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Hosting Young Philosophy Enthusiasts
March 21st, 2024 


EQ: How does self-perception affect how we interact with the world around us?

Sub Essential Questions

How does environment and upbringing alter self-perception and the perception of others?

How do beliefs influence perception?           

Consider universal truth and relative truth.

What is the best way to interact when working with different perspectives?

How does self-perception compare with others’ perception of individuals?

About The Event

The HYPE Conference started as a Senior Project back in 2009 that was hosted in a hallway at Souhegan High School with only a handful of students.  From that hallway, we have grown to host 1,200 students and faculty, who are interested in student voice and leadership, at the University of New Hampshire Durham. HYPE is an opportunity for high school students to have meaningful philosophical discussions centered on ethics and civil discourse. HYPE takes philosophy from the classroom and puts it

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directly in students’ hands. Each year, participants travel to UNH for a day of intense discussion and philosophical debate centered on a guiding question. This year's Essential Question is "How does self-perception affect how we interact with the world around us?” 

HYPE is unique because the conference is not only an incredible experience for the students who attend but also a huge step for high school students who choose to facilitate. Hype as a conference is entirely student-run and designed, aside from support from our academic and faculty advisers. These students have put in countless hours to produce content comparable to the professional world outside of secondary education. This is a leadership experience unlike any other, and alumni take this experience and apply it to wherever their endeavors take them. The HYPE program hosts 30+ different schools from across the North East region. Ethics Forum also receives aid organizing the event from several student leaders in surrounding towns as well as a plethora of amazing sponsors and local organizations

Key Note Speaker

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745 AM - 830 AM 830 AM - 910 AM 915 AM - 1000 AM 935 AM - 950 AM 1000 AM - 1015 AM 1003 AM

Location: Hamel Recreation Center at UNH Durham, New Hampshire


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